ASN Report 2017
112 ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2017 Chapter 03 - Regulations DIAGRAM 3: Status of progress of the overhaul of the general technical regulations applicable to BNIs, as at 1st January 2018 Published Public consultation/ASN adoption phase Repealed * Title V entitled “Pressure equipment specially designed for Basic Nuclear Installations” of the BNI Order refers to the Order of 10th November 1999 concerning the monitoring of main primary system and main secondary system operations in pressurised water nuclear reactors and the Order of 12th December 2005 concerning nuclear pressure equipment. Drafts for modification of these Orders are currently being prepared. 1. Covering the scope of the Order of 31/12/1999 2. Covering the scope of the Order of 26/11/1999 3. Covering the scope of the Order of 10/08/1984 * Text concerned by the WENRA reference levels Guide Decision ORDER OF 7TH FEBRUARY 2012 SETTING THE GENERAL RULES CONCERNING BASIC NUCLEAR INSTALLATIONS, CALLED THE “BNI ORDER” 1-2-3 * ENVIRONMENT CODE AND IMPLEMENTING DECREES General provisions Organisation and responsibility 1-2-3 Notification of significant events 3 Annual report for information of the public GuideNo3 2010 * Protection of Interest Policy (PPI) and Integrated Management System (SMI) Conformity deviations GuideNo21 2015 Public access to the modification draft files (Art. L. 593- 15 of the Environment Code) 2013-DC-0352 2013 * Conditions for use of spare parts 2012-DC-0236 2012 ESPN compliance assessment 2016-DC-0571 2016 * ESPN compliance assessment GuideNo8 2012 Application of the Order of 12/12/05 GuideNo19 2013 Pressure vessels* * Study of waste management and summary of waste produced 1 2015-DC-0508 2015 * Packaging of radioactive waste 2017-DC-0587 2017 Waste zoning plan GuideNo23 2016 Waste management * Emergency situations 2017-DC-0592 2017 Emergency Emergency preparedness and management Miscellaneous, transitional and final provisions Particular provisions PWR outage 2014-DC-0444 2014 * Waste disposal facilities * Waste storage facilities * Decommission ing and post- operational clean-out Management of soils polluted by BNI activities GuideNo24 2016 * Reactor (PWR) design GuideNo22 2017 Qualification of computer codes (PWR) GuideNo28 2017 Reactor (PWR) fuels Reactor (PWR) outages On-site transport of hazardous goods GuideNo34 2017 Control of detrimental effects and impact on health and the environment 1-2 Control of detrimental effects and impact of reactors (PWR) on health and the environment 1-2 2017-DC-0588 2017 Approval of ESPN inspection organisations General prescription applicable to reactor secondary system cooling installations (PWR) 2016-DC-0578 2016 * Control of fire risks 1 2014-DC-0417 2014 Management of the criticality risk 2014-DC-0462 2014 Protection of BNIs against external flooding GuideNo13 2013 Demonstration of nuclear safety 1 Management of the criticality risk Control of fire risks Hazards * Internal licensing system implementation procedures 2008-DC-0106 2008 Determining the perimeter of a BNI GuideNo9 2013 Controllingurban development GuideNo15 2016 Drafting of BNI regulations Guide GuideNo25 2016 * Operations and general operating rules * Significant modifications 2017-DC-0616 2017 * Safety review * Physical modifications 2014-DC-0420 2014 Contents of safety analysis reports 2015-DC-0532 2016 Procedures At the project stage Control of detrimental effects and impact on health and the environment 1-2 2013-DC-0360 (2013) 2016-DC-0569 (resolution revising 2013-DC-0360 ) 2016 Currently being drafted