ASN Report 2017
108 ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2017 Chapter 03 - Regulations draft regulations for public consultation on (see chapter 6, point 2.3). ASN proposed that some of its regulations also be presented to the CSPRT, more particularly those dealing with topics examined by the CSPRT with respect to the ICPE System, in order to ensure greater consistency between requirements applicable to ICPEs and BNIs (see chapter 2, point 2.4.3). Diagram 3 shows the degree of progress of the project to overhaul the general technical regulations applicable to BNIs. In 2017, four resolutions were adopted to supplement the implementation procedures of the Order of 7th February 2012. ASN resolution 2017-DC-587 of 23rd March 2017 relative to the packaging of radioactive waste and the conditions of acceptance of the radioactive waste packages in the disposal BNIs, approved by the Order of 13th June 2017 This resolution more particularly specifies the obligations of the radioactive waste producer, those of the licensee packaging it and those of the licensee of the disposal facility for which it is intended. This resolution makes a distinction between the case of disposal facilities being studied and the case of disposal BNIs in operation. It in particular sets out the general requirements concerning the packaging of radioactive waste, the packaging baseline requirements defined by the licensee of a packaging BNI, and the specifications for acceptance of radioactive waste packages defined by the licensee of a disposal BNI, along with the requirements applicable to packages intended for a disposal BNI under study. ASN resolution 2017-DC-0588 of 6th April 2017 relative to the conditions for water intake and consumption, discharge of effluents and monitoring of the environment around PWR reactors, approved by order of 14th June 2017 This resolution contains the “generic” requirements concerning water intake, effluent discharges and their monitoring for NPPs, as well as those concerning information of the public and the authorities, which were previously contained in licensing decisions. This resolution comprises no major change to the requirements, but the formulations are harmonised, using more recent and more informative terminology. It clarifies ASN’s requirements and improves the consistency of the requirements applicable to French NPPs. This resolution supersedes certain prior agreements contained in the licensing decisions concerning water intake and effluent discharges by NPPs for activities with no specific implications and which can be managed internally by the licensee. The licensee will continue to inform ASN of the performance of these activities. This general regulatory foundation could be supplemented by licensing decisions specific to an NPP if additional requirements for management of water intake and discharges prove to be necessary in the light of the specific features of the site and its environment. ASN resolution 2017-DC-0592 of 13th June 2017 concerning the obligations on BNI licensees in terms of preparedness for and management of emergency situations and the content of the on-site emergency plan, approved by Order of 28th August 2017 This resolution specifies the provisions of the Order of 7th February 2012 with regard to the licensees’ obligations in terms of preparedness for and management of emergency situations and what ASN requires with regard to the contents of the BNI on-site emergency plans. It gives formal status to existing practices that had not yet been integrated into the regulations and introduces into French law certain reference levels established by the Western European Nuclear Regulators Association (WENRA), which take account of the lessons learned from the Fukushima Daiichi accident. The resolution more specifically requires that the licensees: ཛྷ ཛྷ specify the content of the on-site emergency plan, while making it more operational and able to deal with emergency situations, even long-term ones; ཛྷ ཛྷ define the envisaged response to the complete or partial unavailability of the external resources on which the licensee had intended to call (for example the fire brigade); ཛྷ ཛྷ carry out an annual check on the content and pertinence of the alert and coordination agreements signed by the licensee with the authorities on the one hand and the external organisations and services (fire brigade, hospitals, etc.) on the other. These agreements must be updated at least every five years; ཛྷ ཛྷ define the headcount and skills of the emergency teams and carry out at least one exercise or simulation annually in order to train the personnel, including via emergency scenarios affecting several installations at the same time; ཛྷ ཛྷ in the event of an emergency, take steps to protect the persons present within the facility; ཛྷ ཛྷ provide for steps concerning the material resources needed to manage emergency situations (alert and communication means, instruments to characterise the state of the facility and any radioactive and chemical releases); ཛྷ ཛྷ together with ASN and its technical support organisation (IRSN), define the pertinent technical information for monitoring the development of the situation of the facility and its environment, along with the methods for transmission of this information; ཛྷ ཛྷ have emergency management premises meeting the characteristics defined in the resolution. ASN resolution 2017-DC-0616 of 30th November 2017 concerning significant modifications to BNIs, approved by Order of 18th December 2017 This resolution is in response to a legislative change introduced by the 17th August 2015 Act and the Decree of 28th June 2016, leading to changes to the administrative system applicable to BNI modifications. The modifications subject to regulation and not leading to a modification of the authorisation decree, henceforth referred to as “noteworthy”, are subject either