ASN Report 2017
107 ASN report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2017 Chapter 03 - Regulations led to the definition of a range of requirements designed to harmonise the safety of the reactors in operation in Europe. The provisions of the Order concerning the performance of probabilistic assessments, the practical preclusion of certain events, the qualification system for Elements Important for Protection (EIP) or the application of certain new rules drawn from the regulations applicable to ICPEs may require the revision of certain points of the safety case and in-depth analyses, which could entail the revision of certain construction or operating provisions. They enter into force on the occasion of the first periodic review or the first substantial modification of the BNI, following the date of 1st July 2015, or at final shutdown and decommissioning of the facility. 3.2.2 ASN regulations Pursuant to Article L. 592-20 of the Environment Code, ASN may issue regulations to clarify decrees and orders in the field of nuclear safety or radiation protection, which have to be approved by the Minister in charge of Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection. ASN has defined a programme for drafting these regulations aimed at clarifying the Decree of 2nd November 2007 or the Order of 7th February 2012. Even before being required by law, ASN has from the outset submitted its environment) - in addition to simply preventing accidents - and of the principle of the “graded approach” (in other words the graduated nature of the requirements and oversight, which must be proportionate to the potential consequences of the issues being dealt with). The order more specifically addresses the following subjects: ཛྷ ཛྷ organisation and responsibility; ཛྷ ཛྷ the demonstration of nuclear safety; ཛྷ ཛྷ control of detrimental effects and the impact on health and the environment; ཛྷ ཛྷ pressure equipment designed specifically for BNIs; ཛྷ ཛྷ waste management; ཛྷ ཛྷ preparation and management of emergency situations. In addition, the Order of 7th February 2012 defines some particular provisions applicable to certain categories of installations or to certain activities within a BNI: nuclear power reactors, on-site transport of hazardous goods, decommissioning, storage of radioactive substances and radioactive waste disposal facilities. It incorporates into French regulations the “reference levels” drawn up by WENRA which defined a common baseline of requirements. The work done by WENRA was built around the IAEA safety standards and the regulations or best practices employed in the Member States of the association. This work FOCUS The process of drafting general technical regulations for BNIs that are appropriate and proportionate to the issues Following the adoption of the TSN Act, ASN and the Ministry responsible for Nuclear Safety initiated an overhaul of the regulations applicable to BNIs. The BNI Order of 7th February 2012 made a fundamental but nonetheless gradual change in the technical regulatory framework applicable to BNIs, clarified by a number of ASN regulations. As part of its role of drafting or contributing to the drafting of regulations, ASN’s goal is to promote the adoption of clear, complete regulations reflecting the best safety standards, tailored to and proportionate to the actual safety and radiation protection issues. ASN thus carries out this work with the aim of involving all the stakeholders in the drafting of the regulations, as a broader consultation makes a significant contribution to the adoption of regulations that are appropriate and easier to understand and implement. Guide No. 25 Drafting of an ASN regulation or guide - Procedures for consultation with the stakeholders and the public , details the ways in which the licensees and industry players concerned, the public and the associations, contribute to the preparation of draft ASN regulations or guides concerning the BNIs. This guide aims to: ཛྷ ཛྷ improve stakeholder involvement as early as possible in the process. Thus, the consultation of stakeholders and the public takes place as of the beginning of the process to draft the texts, concerning the orientations and the goals, and then throughout the process; ཛྷ ཛྷ provide a better analysis of the impact of the draft texts, with a reinforced framework for the drafts by means of the production of three documents: an orientation and justification document, an assessment of the impact of the draft text and experience feedback analysis, these documents themselves being subject to consultation; ཛྷ ཛྷ support and follow up the implementation of the regulatory texts by drafting guides intended for the licensees and industrial firms concerned and by integrating experience feedback after a few years of application of the texts. Participation by the stakeholders and the public is either by means of consultation on the ASN website, or by means of exchanges with the stakeholders, or by consultation of consultative bodies which - depending on the subject or nature of the draft text - are the High Council for the Prevention of Technological Risks (CSPRT), the Advisory Committees of Experts, the CLIs or the HCTISN. A specific heading has been created on in which ASN makes a certain number of documents available.